Dienstag, 29. Juli 2014

another single one

Here's another single bod from the ITALERI set 6021 Roman Infantry.

A Rider

This is a Gothian cavalry man. He is from the ITALERI set 6138.
I arranged the bod on an old quarrystone and put some mud and other stones on it.
I think the result is quite acceptable.

Donnerstag, 10. Juli 2014

First handhold for the wealth of Egypt

this little dio shows an first ry of Rome to get the wealth of Egypt.

The wealth of Egypt means the grain, which was needed more and more by Rome to feed their on republic.
In this case some legionnaires face up with some Egyptian soldiers in the setting of an ancient ruin.


Wild one

Here it is!
The all over and everywhere feared beast!
The king of the jungle!

Enjoy it ;)